March 12, 2010

Epic Failure

I could feel the dropplets of sweat dripping down my back. My heart racing a hundred miles an hour. This was it... the moment I have been waiting for. Practicing all this time for. The moment I have been dreading...

So i start to reverse backwards... and BAM, BAM... BAM! I didn't just hit the gutter once. Oh no. Not even twice. Through three different attempts at reverse parking I hit that damn gutter three effing times.

So as you can assume, I failed the my driving test.

There is something you should know about me and that is the fact that at times I am a complete nervous wreck. I get nervous when I have to speak in front of the class. I know that is understandable when you are doing a speech or presentation. Alot of people get nervous. But I am talking about litterally just answering a simple question. For some strange reason I get all cought up, my heart races, my palms get all sweaty and eventually, in as normal a voice I can muster, I answer the damn question. For some reason the thought of speaking in front of 20 or so people in a class room with all the attention just on myself scares the absolute shit out of me.

Now imaging this magnitue of nervousness times about a thousand. This is how I was feeling when it came to doing my reverse park. Damn the reverse park! Who in their right mind invented such a travesty?

Although it is my fault entirely that I drove dispicably, I do slightly have my nerves to blame for the ultimate crapness of my driving. So my mission, not just for this week but for my life in general, has, is and will always be: to control my nerves. I have attempted to do so on various occasions, even throwing myself into the deep end by performing song and guitar numbers at my old schools talent quest and at the local pub. I just can't seem to get past it.

Hopefully I can!

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